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Cat Meowing

Is your cat’s meowing too much to bear?

Cat meowing can be overbearing

Meow: cats communicate when they want something or to say hello. Sometimes it’s just too much to bear

Cat meowing is usually about them wanting something. Occasionally a meow may mean “hello” or even “thank you”. But sometimes cats meow too much for our liking.

The estimate is that cats use around 100 different vocal sounds.  As they very rarely meow at other cats, it must mean they reserve their vocabulary mainly for communicating with us.

Discover The Secrets To Having A Perfectly Well Behaved, Healthy, Happy Cat

The most common uses of for meowing are to say:

I am hungry

My water bowl needs filling.

I would like to go out

I need to come in

Can I have some attention?


The tone and pitch of each of these meows is different.  Some are easy to understand, others are more baffling.  But all of them should be evaluated along  with your cat’s body language and facial expression.

Constant Meowing

Some cat species, like Siamese, meow more than others . While most do it when they want something, some cats do meow constantly for no apparent reason.

Anyone who has or is suffering this behavior will know that as a major problem, especially when it occurs at night or early in the morning.

How to Stop Constant Meowing

The most important thing to establish is that your cat is not meowing to alert you to an illness or other medical problem.

Cats don’t tend to meow to annoy you. So the faster you can identify the reasons for the noise, the quicker you can help stop it.

Here are a few things to try:

Feed your cat regularly. Cats like dogs have routines and this will help them regulate their communications to meal times when they can anticipate when they’re going to eat.

Think about installing a cat flap. Cats like freedom and are not known for being good at making their minds up about staying in or going out. If your cat likes to go in and out as he or she pleases, a cat flap is the best option.

Build playtime into the routine.  Cats are known to meow when they desire affection and attention. If you can find a time that suits you, stroke and play with your cat, to deter them from feeling neglected or lonely.

Be cruel to be kind. Apply some discipline and do not let your cat rule the roost with excessive meowing. You need to take charge. This can be done by ignoring them. This does eventually persuade them to stop but can be painful as the discipline beds in.

Some people apply a squirt of water spray or a clap of the hands accompanied by a firm “no!”. Over time your cat will accept that constant meowing is a waste of time and energy.

Always remember that the best method is to praise your cat and apply extra attention when they are not meowing. This will positively reinforce your message.