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Collie training

Collie training is a challenging business

Collie training is a challenging business because they are so intelligent

Collies are most definitely their own breed. Not all the training tips that work for other dogs work for this wonderful type of dog.

The Collie breed is known for its characteristics of ‘helping’ and ‘working’. They have bred to work with farmers herding cattle, sheep and other forms livestock for a very long time.

This is a very smart and intelligent breed, blessed with fast learning skills. But for Collies to be obedient all their lives they must be trained early.

Collies are hyperactive and get bored easily so they need to be engaged and involved in physical activity more than most.

Collie training involves keeping your dog stimulated

Collies need constant stimulation

Without stimulation and exercise, expect them to nip, bite, bark continuously, and all manner of other behavioural problems.

Having said that Border Collies also hate it if their daily routine is adjusted – especially if you restrict their daily activities. This confuses them.

However, once you have a relationship with a Border Collie you will bond well and get along. Indeed, they have a tendency to become possessive and irritable.

As a result having a Border Collie can prove to be extremely exhausting, especially for those with kids. But if they are managed well, you’ll be blessed with unconditional love as they are naturally caring, loyal and obedient – with the right training.

Tips For First-Time Owners

  • Get your dog’s attention, which is not easy as they do tend to have rapid mood swings, but it is essential if you want to be successful
  • Be consistent in making tricks and commands simple
  • Be positive when reinforcing the training. Collies love adulation and encouragement
  • Be prepared to give your Collie adequate daily physical and mental stimulation
  • Start basic training when your Collie is at his or her youngest possible age ­ at least 4-5 months old. Easy tricks can come later at 7 to 8 months old.
  • Use obedience training to teach your dog how he or she should behave socially – to sit down and stop barking on your commands, to being friendly and controlled around people including children
  • If you want your dog to do tricks start with simple ones like “sit”, “come”, “stop barking”, “Let’s Go Walking”.
  • Having successfully taught your dog the simple things move to the complicated tricks like “Go Fetch”, “Roll-Over”, and “Play Dead”.