Covid-19 has not gone away. And we are still aware that we need to be vigilant, even if we are no longer required to be locked down etc.
However, we still believe that the whole experience of the last two years has taught us a lot about keeping our customers – your pets – and you safe. So we are leaving the advice here for your to read and consider. A word of reassurance from Cats, Dogs & Peace of Mind and the Otto & Alice Mobile Grooming Studio
In these unusual and worrying times, we would like to reassure you that the welfare of our customers and our team is our highest priority.
While it is believed the virus might have come originally from birds or pigs, health officials have announced there is no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading the virus that causes COVID-19. Scientists are continuing to learn about the virus, but it seems that there is a possibility of it spreading from people to our animals in certain situations.
At CDPOM and the Otto & Alice Mobile Grooming Studio, we have consistently followed all Government, WHO and NHS advice as we have continued to carry out our work visiting your pets while you are away or simply too busy! We adhere to strict hygiene and travel procedures. Our carers all apply the most rigorous standards of cleaning and hygiene day in and day out.
We continue to ensure that all our team receive regular updates and reminders.
We are also in constant communication with any member of our team who has recently travelled abroad, is currently travelling or who has plans to do so. Any member of the team who is returning from any affected area – like parts of China – is required to self-isolate. Any member of the team with symptoms is also required to self-isolate.
We continue to follow developments and advice closely and will take whatever action is required to keep our customers, their pets and our teams safe and well.
We encourage all our customers to check the www. website for updates. However, please note that we are available online seven days a week.
Thank you for your loyalty and support. We look forward to looking after your pets.