When you’re afraid to take your dogs walking because they may hump other dogs or be singled out for mounting practice it’s time to take action.
Dog humping, where a dog mounts another dog, can be amusing to passers-by. But for dog owners, the issue is embarrassing and for the dogs being humped it can be disturbing.
It’s common behaviour in puppies. Indeed it can even be normal when older dogs are playing, as long as it’s not taken to extremes. Both males and females do it, even when they are neutered or spayed.
Stop your dog humping
Dogs that engage in obsessive humping are both embarrassments and safety concerns. If a dog decides to hump another dog, fights could break out.
Stopping this behaviour involves medical and behavioural approaches. Tackling the issue calls for one of three effective approaches.
Is your dog always a victim of dog humping?
It’s possible something about a dog’s behaviour arouses other dogs. This is what may be encouraging them to mount.
Our dogs may be giving off a scent that arouses other dogs. We could try using a different kind of shampoo to see if it reduces the frequency of these encounters. Indeed, a bath before venturing out on the main walk of the day may deter unwanted advances.
Act early to deter dog humping
Whatever the cause, our job as dog owners is to always protect our dogs. If our animals stand calm and stoic while other dogs are inappropriate it may be fine to let the dogs get on with it.
At Cats, Dogs & Peace of Mind we have experience in tackling inappropriate behaviour. If you would like to discuss how we could look after and walk your dog please do not hesitate to get in touch.