Protect your pets from loss or theft
Simply contact Louise Wilsher on 07837 372527 or email
While every dog owner is legally obliged to ensure their dog is wearing a collar and identification disc, thousands of owners are now taking positive steps to ensure their much-loved companions can also be identified through microchip technology – and soon it will be law for all dogs!
Since being introduced in 1989, over 4 million dogs and cats have been microchipped, and this number continues to grow at an estimated 8,000 registrations per week.
The Central Microchip Reunification Service, operated by Petlog, answers over 60,000 calls every year in relation to lost pets!
CDPOM offers the smallest microchip for your pets
You can now have your pets microchipped by Cats, Dogs & Peace of Mind (CDPOM for short!) in London’s Bermondsey for just £15.
Louise Wilsher trained with the Pet Care Trade Association and chip manufacturer Micro-ID Ltd so that CDPOM is able to implant the smallest chip (8mm x 1.4mm) on the pet market, which is much kinder to small animals.
As Micro-ID’s Richard Fry, who has served on the body that set the current International Standard for microchips, says: “This system is the most significant step forwards for the chip industry in the past 25 years.”
Microchipping is recognised as the most effective and secure way of permanently identifying a pet. A unique identification number is registered to the animal and the owner’s details are placed on a national database.
Sadly, the reality is that of the many thousands of dogs that go missing each year it’s estimated that less than half of them are reunited with their owners.
Don’t wait until it’s too late. Get your dog microchipped and have the assurance that should he or she become lost, or worse be stolen, he or she is more likely to be returned to you safe and sound.
What is a microchip?
A microchip is a small electronic device, which is the size of a grain of rice. The microchip is coded with a unique number that can be read by a scanner. A microchip works through radio wave frequency. At CDPOM we use the very smallest ever developed. Known as the ‘Mini-Chip’, it is glass encapsulated and at 8.5mm x 1.4mm is 40% smaller than the standard 12mm x 2mm chip you will find most other places
Is it ever essential to have my pet microchipped? From 2016 it will be law
If you plan to travel abroad with your pet for showing or simply a holiday your pet must have a microchip in order to comply with travel regulations.
And, from 2016, every dog owner in England will have to have their animal microchipped under plans intended to cut a rise in strays.
The microchips will be coded with owners’ details, and owners who do not comply could face fines of up to £500.
A legal loophole may also be closed, meaning owners could be prosecuted over an attack by their dog on private land.
The RSPCA welcomed the proposals, but said it doubted that they alone would “make owners more responsible or ensure fewer dogs bite people”.
Government figures reveal that more than 100,000 dogs are dumped or lost each year, at a cost of £57m to the taxpayer and welfare charities.
Ministers hope the change in the law will help reunite owners with lost or stolen pets and relieve some of the burden on animal charities and local authorities.

What other benefits are there to microchipping?
As well as a permanent identification that will enable you and your pet to be reunited, a microchip can also allow you to control what animals enter your home. For instance, if you have a cat flap and a problem with stray cats entering your home when you are away, or do not want them in at all, there are products designed to read and recognise your pet’s microchip – unlocking the cat flap for your pets, but keeping all the other interlopers at bay. This has also been introduced in dog flaps as well, to prevent burglars from entering your home by that route.
How is the microchip implanted?
Using a specially designed implanting device the microchip is injected through a sterile needle under the animal’s skin.
Where is the microchip implanted?
In dogs and cats, the microchip is implanted under the skin, between the shoulder blades.
Why dog tags are a must
The Control of Dogs Order 1992 says that all dogs must wear a collar with the owner’s name and address written on it, or on a disc attached to it, when in a public place.
The telephone number of the owners should also be displayed. Any dog seen without a collar in public may be seized by the local authority and treated as a stray. The person in charge of the dog and/or the owner of the dog may be prosecuted and fined.
Although it is not legally required at present, Dogs Trust recommends microchipping your dog.What should I do if my dog strays?
Immediately contact your local Dog Warden (through the Environmental Health Department at your local council) and the local police station. The Environmental Protection Act 1999 allows for your dog to be seized and sold, rehomed or destroyed if unclaimed after a seven day period.
Does implanting a microchip hurt?
No anaesthetic is required and the procedure should cause no more discomfort than a standard vaccination.
How does the microchip stay in place?
Once the microchip has been inserted, the animal’s body tissue surrounding the microchip attaches itself, preventing movement of the chip.
Why does the body not reject the microchip?
The microchip is encased in the same bio-compatible glass used in human pacemakers. The microchip and the implanting equipment are sterilised before use, so that the pet’s body does not reject the microchip.
How is the identification number read?
Microchips work when a scanner is passed over them. This is because the scanner produces low frequency radio waves that passively activate the microchip, allowing the unique number to be read.
Who has a scanner?
It is estimated that there are currently over 10,000 scanners in use throughout the UK. These can be found at most veterinary practices, Local Authorities and animal welfare groups. Local Authorities and animal welfare groups use scanners to check stray dogs to see if they have been microchipped. If the pet has been microchipped he or she can then be returned to the owner easily and quickly.
How are the owners traced?
If an animal is found to have a microchip, the Local Authority, vet or animal welfare organisation contacts a national Petlog database to find the owner’s details. The owner then can be contacted and reunited with their dog. There are several databases in the UK. Your registration document will tell you which database has your dog registered and their contact details. If you need to make any changes to your dogs registered details, such as moving house, you should contact your database operator. Owners of microchip scanners have special access to the databases to allow them to contact you if they find your dog.
How long does registration last?
Your pet is registered for life!
Where can I get my pet microchipped?
With our [intlink id=”2784″ type=”page”]Otto & Alice[/intlink] service we can arrange to microchip your pet in your own home. Please contact Louise Wilsher on 07837 372527 or email her via
How much will it cost?
Just £15