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Cat grooming

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Cat Grooming London

Looking good: cat grooming is an important aspect of your pet’s life


Priceless Convenience Mobile Cat Grooming In London

Otto & Alice is a professional mobile cat grooming service in the London, that offers the priceless convenience of visiting your cat at its own home at a time that will suit you.

This makes a grooming session much less stressful for the cat, and more agreeable for you. You can find out if I cover your area here. To find out more or to make a booking call Louise on [telnumlink]07837 372527[/telnumlink] or [telnumlink]07973 692509[/telnumlink].

Why cats prefer to be groomed at home

Cats are very territorial so they are much happier being groomed around their own surroundings, especially with their owner on hand!

In a salon where there are unfamiliar smells – and other animals – cats tend to be very tense and anxious – even before the groom is started! Plus there is the stressful journey in the car there and back.

The Otto & Alice Mobile Cat Grooming Studio in London, offers a much more convenient and comfortable alternative and as a result provides a more successful grooming experience for both the cat and the owner. Plus it saves you time.

Why cats groom and why cat grooming?

Cats care about how they look and feel.  How often have you found your cats pampering themselves with their paws?

It’s a fact: cats groom for about 33% of their time they spend awake.

But there are several reasons why it’s important that cats are groomed professionally.

Number one, of course, is to keep clean. Cats are, by nature, neat and clean. Indeed, if you see your cat stopping grooming, be careful – it may well be a sign that something is wrong! But, however, hard they try cats cannot clean themselves better than a professional cat groomer can with the right combs, brushes and shampoo in our mobile London studio.


Cat grooming also helps keep them calm, because the act of grooming slows the cat’s heart rate. Indeed if you observe cats in a group you will invariably see them occupying themselves with social grooming. This helps reduce any stresses between the cats.

A third reason why cats need to be groomed is to get rid of irritating loose hair and fleas from their skin. Cat grooming also stimulates the growth of new fur, while cats themselves can help to regulate their body temperature with the cooling attributes of their saliva.

Washing also helps cats deal with embarrassment or conflict.  You can see this if you watch closely after telling your cat off for, let’s say, sharpening claws on the couch or biting you. Observed closely, the cat’s reaction is to give him or herself a quick bath with tongue and paws.

This displacement behaviour helps cats retain their dignity. Cats grooming themselves are often simply dealing with an uncomfortable situation. Although cats groom themselves, we humans have an important role to play as well.


As well as commissioning a professional groomer, like the Otto & Alice Mobile Grooming Studio, to pamper your pet (I provide a number of specialist services), it’s important for all cat owners to have a decent cat comb themselves.  As a cat’s tongue stimulates the skin, so we can help in this regard by combing our cats regularly – which also rids our cats of fleas and ticks.

Ticks are tiny bloodsucking creatures that can easily infect your cat. If you find any, use tweezers to pull them off by going as close to the base of the tick turning slightly anti-clockwise and then pulling. Then thoroughly clean the area.

While sort-haired cats can get away with being combed just once a week, long-haired cats need a good combing every few days. It may also be necessary to cut out any very matted sections of hair every now and again.

If the hair is too matted, don’t risk cutting their skin. Make an appointment with a professional groomer or take your cat to the vet.

Sometimes your cats need help to get clean. A lot of people tend to avoid bathing their cats because, most cats don’t take kindly to water. In these cases, put a towel
on the base of the tub. It gives them something to grip. The securer cats feel the less they try to struggle.

It’s advisable to use a mild soap, like Tropiclean Hypo Puppy and Kitty Shampoo
or a baby shampoo, as it won’t sting your cat’s eyes, and it has the added bonus that it also kills fleas!

Another benefit of grooming a cat is that, by regularly looking at a cat’s teeth, nails, ears and eyes anything out of the ordinary that may need a trip to see a vet can be spotted early.

Get in touch today for more information about our cat grooming or mobile cat grooming services across London.